Moment Hotels, Urban Farming 2019
Moment Hotels, Urban farming
I Love this time of the year when the time for planting seeds is finally here, we are moving slowly against spring and the days are getting longer and warmer.
The time to think about the lovely garden/lounge on the second floor where we have our small Urban framing is finally here.
We are focusing on vegetables and fruit this year as well so you can sip in the sunshine and take a bite from the garden on the terrace while you are relaxing in the sunshine.
Some news in our garden 2019, suger babymelons, Tigerella tomatos, sparrissallat, tomatillo tomatos and corn.
We look forward to serving you fresh vegetables and fruit.
Let us now enjoy the spring,
Best regards,
Hanna Sundkvist
Moment Hotels, Malmö
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